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Ornithologist: Spring mating of birds is a true spectacle of nature

The mating habits of birds can be spectacular. Some species use singing, others dance and do aerial acrobatics, others still show their strength. There are also females who choose a male based on the appearance of the nesting site he occupies, says ornithologist Grzegorz Neubauer, PhD, a professor at the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

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    Report: 87% of Internet users consider hate to be serious social problem

    The report 'Polish Internet users on hate 2019-2024' by a linguist and media expert, a professor at SWPS University, was based on a survey of a representative group of 815 Polish Internet users over the age of 15. It was conducted in two waves - in March 2019 and November 2024.

  • Photo from the Adam Mickiewicz University press release

    Microalgae from peatlands are our allies in fight against global warming

    There is hope that microalgae inhabiting peatlands will absorb more and more carbon dioxide as the temperature increases. They may not stop climate change, but they will be our allies in the fight against global warming. So far, research has ignored the role of this group of organisms in climate analyses.

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    Polish company to develop satellite communication security system for ESA

    A company from Gdańsk will develop a satellite communication security system based on post-quantum algorithms for ESA. The objective of the project is to create a cryptographic system for satellites that will protect communications against new threats posed by quantum computers.

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    Polish researchers develop AI model based on world's largest chest image database

    Experts from the Warsaw University of Technology, in collaboration with the Polish Lung Cancer Group, have developed an artificial intelligence model based on the world's largest chest image database. The model will support doctors who diagnose diseases in the chest area.

  • From the left: Adam Wojciechowski, PhD, from the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science, Jagiellonian University, Ryszard Buczyński, PhD, from the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Mateusz Jagła, PhD, from the Department of Paediatrics, Jagiellonian University Medical College. Photo from press release

    Scientists develop miniaturised device to save newborns

    Researchers from the Jagiellonian University and the University of Warsaw (UW) are finalising work on a device to treat breathing disorders in premature babies. The device is expected to reduce the high risk of complications associated with procedures performed on newborns.

  • Crucian carp (Carassius carassius). Credit: Adobe Stock

    Fish and large aquatic invertebrates contribute to degradation of microplastics

    The foraging activity of fish and large aquatic invertebrates, such as crayfish, contributes to the mechanical fragmentation of microplastics, reducing their average size and accelerating their degradation, scientists from the University of Warsaw, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, AGH UST, the University of Rzeszów and an Indian university have demonstrated.

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    How to exercise to effectively improve your mood? Jagiellonian University scientists investigate

    Each person's brain reacts slightly differently to physical activity. For example, one person may feel an improvement in mood after an intensive bike ride, while another may feel the opposite. Scientists from the Jagiellonian University have shown that the brain activation patterns of these people run differently during the same exercise.

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    Study: With more concrete in city space, fewer chicks survive spring

    If half of the green space in a city is covered with concrete, the number of young birds flying out of the nesting boxes in that area will be halved, scientists from the University of Warsaw have shown. The results of their study also provide precise data that can be used by decision-makers.

  • Examples of rings made of lead glass. Photo from press release

    Lead glass jewellery was mass-produced in medieval Poland

    Lead glass jewellery was mass-produced in medieval Poland, and the raw material for the production of beads or rings came from Polish deposits. In Poland, there were workshops where semi-finished products were processed and jewellery was made, new research by Polish archaeologists confirms.

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    Ornithologist: Spring mating of birds is a true spectacle of nature

  • Microalgae from peatlands are our allies in fight against global warming

  • Fish and large aquatic invertebrates contribute to degradation of microplastics

  • Scientists develop miniaturised device to save newborns

  • Polish researchers develop AI model based on world's largest chest image database


09.07.2024. PAP/Marcin Gadomski

Marine ecologist: Creating seal reserves in Polish waters makes no sense

Seals do not constitute a permanent population off the Polish coast, they only 'pay visits' to rest on the shallows and take advantage of easy access to food, says marine ecologist, Professor Jan Marcin Węsławski. That is why, in his opinion, proposals to create seal reserves in Polish waters make no sense.