Matter & Energy

Distortions in different projections. On a 'perfect map', circles - covering the same areas - would be the same size and shape in every place on the map. Source: collage of maps shared on Wikipedia

Maps can be deceiving and have serious consequences, says mathematician

Just as statistics or graphs can distort reality, so can the maps we use every day. However, if you learn the mathematics hidden behind maps, you will not be so easily led astray, says mathematician Dr. Paulina Rowińska.

  • The Higgs boson (blue) may form as a result of the interaction of gluons (yellow) during proton collisions. Protons consist of two up quarks (red) and one down quark (purple), bound by gluons so strongly that in the forming sea of virtual particles (gray) more massive quarks and antiquarks, for example beauty quarks, may appear, and their presence also affects the Higgs boson birth process. (Source: Institute of Nuclear Physics PAS)

    After 12 years of research, Higgs still does not reveal elements of new physics

    After 12 years of detailed research into the properties of the Higgs boson, there is no indication that it will be possible to extend the Standard Model with elements of new physics - new analyses involving Polish scientists show.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Time for visitors from the future? Why not! Physicists make room in theory for tachyons

    Tachyons are hypothetical particles that travel at speeds faster than light. Until recently, they were generally regarded as entities that did not fit into the special theory of relativity. However, a team of physicists has just demonstrated how to make room for tachyons in theory.

  • Photo from WAT/VIGO Photonics S.A. press release

    Work is underway on Polish far infrared detector array

    Researchers at the Military University of Technology are working on the future Polish array of far infrared detectors, the components of which will be environmentally friendly and at the same time meet the requirements of the most advanced applications, including military ones.

  • River deltas can have a variety of forms. The Ganges-Brahmaputra River Delta in Bangladesh (left) shows a loop-like topology, with numerous channels interconnecting primary branches (Source: @ESA European Space Agency). The outflow from Wax Lake in Louisiana seems to branch into a treelike pattern with smaller river outlets reaching the Atlantic Ocean (Source: National Science Foundation, Center for Earth-Surface Dynamics).

    Scientists investigate ‘network loops’ in nature

    In blood vessels, leaf veins and river systems, physicists see so-called transport networks. What conditions favour the formation of loops that make the entire system resistant to damage has now been investigated by a team of scientists from Poland and America.

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    Galvanization like printing - coatings for solar cells and more

    A new method of coating materials with thin layers in a way that resembles printing has been developed at the Jagiellonian University. It requires a minimal amount of chemical materials and can accelerate the development of 3rd generation organic solar cells.

  • Image from the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology press release

    World of atoms and molecules: see the 'entire elephant' with different imaging methods

    The structure of the molecules that make up cells can be explored with various imaging techniques. Contrary to appearances, the maps of the same structures obtained with different techniques are slightly different from each other. To 'see the entire elephant' we need a combination of techniques, and a thorough knowledge about the mode in which they probe the matter, says Dr. Matthias Bochtler from the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Physicist from Kraków’s Jagiellonian University wins EUR 2.5 million grant for quantum mechanics project

    Professor Karol Życzkowski from the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science at the Jagiellonian University acquired funding of over EUR 2.25 million for the implementation of a quantum mechanics research project. The research will be financed by the European Research Council under the ERC Advanced Grant 2023 competition.

  • Examples of textures of the new liquid crystal phase: a) disordered material between two glasses, b) a drop of material suspended on a glycerine substrate, c) domain texture of the newly discovered phase (image from a polarizing microscope). Source: WAT/UW

    Spontaneous helices and dipoles in order

    The discovery of a new way of ordering liquid crystals changes the understanding of organic matter. It can be used, among others, in fluid physics, liquid crystal materials, organic electronics, photonics and molecular biology.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Shaking nanotubes

    The properties of nanomaterials depend on how these structures vibrate, among other things. Scientists, including a Polish researcher, investigated the vibrations occurring in various types of carbon nanotubes.

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    Archaeologists discover 5,000-year-old barrow

  • Clinical trial of first lung cancer vaccine launched in Poland

  • Archaeologists confirm monumental Roman arsenal in Novae, Bulgaria

  • Study: Polish women are AI use leaders in Central and Eastern Europe

  • Polish study may help premature babies with breathing disorders


Credit: Adobe Stock

Clinical trial of first lung cancer vaccine launched in Poland

A clinical trial focused on the effectiveness of the first vaccine for lung cancer has been launched in Poland, oncologist Professor Dariusz M. Kowalski from the Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology in Warsaw confirms. This is a promising method, and patients can still apply for the clinical trial, he adds.