Heat storage for greenhouses

Healthier vegetables with less pesticides and less energy loss in greenhouses are the benefits of an innovative heat storage system built under horticulture tunnel. The invention was developed by the team of Prof. Sławomir Kurpaska of the University of Agriculture in Kraków. For developing the concept of the unit and its application in plastic tunnels the scientists received a silver medal at Brussels Innova.

Modern greenhouses and plastic tunnels are equipped with technical solutions for rational energy management. However, these facilities must be ventilated to prevent the temperature from rising too much. Therefore, a significant part of heat produced as a result of solar radiation conversion is wasted. Energy bills in the production facilities under cover amount to as much as 60 percent of all operating costs.

The heat storage system awarded in Brussels is built under the horticulture tunnel. It consists of a bed filled with ballast stone, divided into several sections. It can operate in following modes: heat storage, plants reheating and plants cooling on hot summer days.

The University of Agriculture spokeswoman Izabella Majewska told PAP that Prof. Kupraska was the scientific coordinator of the project. The storage system was co-developed by Dr. Hubert Latała of the University of Agriculture and Prof. Ryszard Hołownicki and Dr. Paweł Konopacki of the Institute of Horticulture in Skierniewice.

Scientists conducted research on the cultivation of tomatoes. With the heat storage system, they could raise the temperature inside the tunnel by about 6°C and reduce the relative humidity by about 19 percent. This improved microclimate, and the plants were healthy despite reducing the consumption of pesticides by 40 percent. The researchers observed that cooling plants on hot summer days also improves the quality of the fruit.

The heat storage system also received the title of Euro Symbol of Innovation 2013, awarded in the promotional program run of the editors of the Market Monitor (supplement to Gazeta Prawna) and awarded silver medals at exhibitions in Nuremberg and Brussels.

Three-day 62nd Brussels Innova 2013 exhibition ended on November 6. More about the award-winning solutions from Poland here.

PAP - Science and Scholarship in Poland

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