
University of Warsaw beats Jagiellonian University in international ranking, with eight Polish Unis in top 1,000

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Credit: Fotolia

Eight Polish universities are among the top 1,000 universities in the world. The University of Warsaw returned to the fourth hundred, and the Jagiellonian University - better than the University of Warsaw last year - dropped to the fifth hundred, according to the Shanghai Ranking (ARWU) published in mid-August.

The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) also known as Shanghai Ranking has been published since 2003. It is prepared by Shanghai Jiao Tong University. There were no changes on the podium this year. The American Harvard University was traditionally announced the best university in the world, followed by UK's Stanford (2nd place) and Cambridge (third place).

The exact position of universities in the ranking is known only for the top 100. The remaining places are listed only approximately, in groups of 50 or 100 institutions. Polish universities are lower in the ranking.

The best Polish university according to the Ranking is the University of Warsaw, which came between 301-400 this year.

The Jagiellonian University returned to between 401-500 after last year's jump to the fourth hundred.

The AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków is in the eighth hundred of the ranking (last year it was in the seventh hundred), and the following are in the ninth hundred: the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, the Gdańsk University of Technology (debut in the ranking) and the Warsaw University of Technology. 

In the last tenth hundred of the ranking are the Medical University of Silesia and the Medical University of Warsaw.

This year, the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and the Wrocław University of Science and Technology dropped out of the ranking (last year, they had places between 901-1000).

The Shanghai Ranking is based on several indicators. The number of graduates (and staff separately) who received the Nobel Prize or the Fields Medal, the number of Highly Cited Researchers, the number of publications in the journals Nature and Science and the number of publications listed in selected citation indexes (Science Citation Index - Expanded and Social Sciences Citation Index). 

The list includes per capita academic performance of an institution. (PAP)

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