
Kraków's Jagiellonian University best in the ranking of Polish universities

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Jagiellonian University has taken first place in the 22nd University Ranking Perspektywy 2021.

The University of Warsaw was second, followed by the Warsaw University of Technology. 

The Kozminski University in Warsaw won among private universities.

The ranking was prepared by the Perspektywy Education Foundation under the supervision of the jury chaired by Professor Michał Kleiber.

It includes four rankings: the Ranking of Academic Universities, the Ranking of Private Universities, the Ranking of State Higher Vocational Schools and the Ranking by Major.

President of the Perspektywy Education Foundation, Waldemar Siwiński, said: “We believe that the quality of education and research should be subject to evaluation and for that reason we have been publishing rankings helpful for both the competing higher education institution and candidates who want to choosing the best studies. 

“We are convinced that the most important information for high school graduates is the list of 71 most popular majors. Candidates increasingly use the Multi-criteria Ranking of Majors as a basis for their decision on choosing a specific program in a specific university. 

“And now, in the peak of the recruitment season, it is time for precisely that!”

Jagiellonian University took first place again in the Ranking of Academic Universities, with a 100 percent score in the ranking index. The University of Warsaw came second (ranking index 99.2), and the Warsaw University of Technology third (ranking index 83.5). 

Fourth place went to the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, and fifth place to the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków. In the following places were: the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, the Gdańsk University of Technology, the Łódź University of Technology, the Medical University of Gdańsk, the Medical University of Warsaw.

The Ranking of Academic Universities is based on 27 indicators grouped in seven criteria: prestige, graduates in the labour market, innovation, scientific potential, scientific efficiency, educational conditions, internationalisation.

The Kozminski University in Warsaw won again in the Ranking of Private Universities. Second place went to the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, and third to the WSB University in Dąbrowa Górnicza.

The winner in the Ranking of State Higher Vocational Schools is the Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Vocational Education in Biała Podlaska. Second place went to the Hipolit Cegielski State University of Applied Sciences in Gniezno, and third place to the Lomza State University of Applied Sciences.

The ranking organizers said that while the criteria related to research aspects dominate in the ranking of academic universities, in the rankings of private and vocational schools, the criteria related to the practical aspect of studies are more important, including economical situation of graduates and postgraduate studies.

The last of the rankings - the Ranking by Major - covers 71 most popular study programs. Compared to the previous ranking, a major in security has been added. The University of Warsaw is a leader in terms of the largest number of best majors (23), followed by the Warsaw University of Technology (17).

Full results are available at: http://ranking.perspektywy.pl/. (PAP)

Author: Szymon Zdziebłowski

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