
FT rankings: Kozminski University is the best business school in Central and Eastern Europe

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Credit: Fotolia

Kozminski University is the best business school in Central and Eastern Europe according to the European Business Schools Ranking published by the Financial Times. In the list of the top 100 universities from Europe, Kozminski University is 52nd, and its program carried out jointly with the ESCP Business School ranks a high 3rd.

FT prepares rankings of economic universities around the world based on surveys sent to graduates who finished their studies three years earlier. On the basis of their responses, partial rankings of specific areas are published during the year, and an overall summary of the best schools from Europe is released in December.

The latest ranking is available at: https://rankings.ft.com/rankings/2943/european-business-school-rankings-2022

The list opens with HEC Paris and London Business School. In the third place is the French ESCP Business School, which built its educational offer based on partnerships with universities in Italy, Spain, Germany, Great Britain and Poland, where it runs a joint program with Kozminski University.

As an independent unit, Kozminski University was ranked 52nd (advancement from 54th place in 2021). In addition to the Warsaw school, Central and Eastern Europe is represented in the FT ranking by two more colleges : the Prague University of Economics (62nd), and the Faculty of Economics and Business at Slovenia's University of Ljubljana (69th).

Founded in 1993, Kozminski University has been running English-language studies in parallel with programs in Polish since the beginning. Despite the economic crisis and the ongoing war in Ukraine across the Polish border, this year's enrolment was a record one. The University admitted 2,800 new students. Currently, 12,000 students receive education at Kozminski University. The school has partnership agreements with more than 200 universities around the world. 

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