
Transplantologist from the Department and Clinic of General and Transplantation Surgery of the University Clinical Centre of the Medical University of Warsaw, Professor Wojciech Lisik during an interview for the Polish Press Agency in Warsaw. PAP/Marcin Obara

Polish scientists create fluid that can replace blood

This fluid can replace blood, it can supply oxygen to tissues and remove carbon dioxide from them. We are dealing with a breakthrough when it comes to the future of medicine, says Professor Wojciech Lisik from the Department of General and Transplantation Surgery of the University Clinical Centre of the Medical University of Warsaw.

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    Remote and hybrid work may worsen sleep patterns, study shows

    Remote and hybrid work are more often associated with sleep and circadian rhythm disorders than in-office work, Polish scientists have shown. Performing professional duties from home also increases the risk of musculoskeletal ailments and headaches.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Diptool: Polish tool for rapid identification of new antibacterial drugs

    With bacterial resistance to antibiotics being a global health challenge, scientists are looking for new ways to combat microorganisms. A tool designed to accelerate work on new antibacterial compounds has been developed by Dr. Mateusz Rzycki from the Wrocław University of Science and Technology.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Results of 3rd phase of Lyme disease vaccine trials in late 2025

    The results of the third phase of Lyme disease vaccine trials will most likely be available at the end of 2025, says the president of the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products. If this is confirmed, this long-awaited vaccine could be registered and available in the European Union no earlier than 2026.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    People on autism spectrum find social camouflage exhausting, says expert

    Masking autistic traits or adjusting behaviour to the environment are strategies of people with ASD that are part of the so-called social camouflage.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Promising trial results for preoperative immunotherapy in melanoma treatment

    An international group of scientists, including researchers from the Maria Skłodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology in Warsaw, published the results of research on preoperative immunotherapy in the treatment of stage III melanoma. Combination therapy with two drugs has shown clear effectiveness and - according to researchers - may change the standards of treatment.

  • 04.07.2024. The patient, Mrs. Aldona (L), deputy treatment director at the University Clinical Centre of the Medical University of Warsaw, Dr. Adam Przybyłkowski (2L), Rector of the Medical University of Warsaw, Professor Zbigniew Gaciong (C), head of the Department and Clinic of General, Transplantation and Liver Surgery of the Medical University of Warsaw, national consultant in the field of clinical transplantology, Professor Michał Grąt (2R) and the head of the Surgical Intensive Care Department of the General, Transplant and Liver Surgery Clinic of the Medical University of Warsaw, Dr. Wojciech Figiel (R) during a press conference at the Children's Clinical Hospital of the University Clinical Centre of the Medical University of Warsaw in Warsaw, April 4. The meeting was devoted to the supportive liver transplant procedure. This pioneering surgery was performed in a patient who had suffered an organ injury as a result of a traffic accident. (amb) PAP/Albert Zawada

    Warsaw transplantologists perform pioneering liver transplantation

    Polish surgeons have performed the world's first supportive liver transplantation in a patient whose organ was damaged in a traffic accident.

  • Photo from AGH UST press release

    Camel milk dressings for hard-to-heal wounds. Researchers are working on novel solution

    Scientists from Poland and Canada are working on an innovative hydrogel dressing for hard-to-heal wounds, containing camel and sheep milk.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Green light for research on Polish test for early detection of endometriosis

    A comparative study on the clinical usefulness of a Polish non-invasive test for the early diagnosis of endometriosis has been given a positive opinion by the Bioethics Committee of the Poznan University of Medical Sciences, the Medical Research Agency reports.

  • Adobe Stock

    f-ORG technique to detect smallest changes in human photoreceptors

    Scientists from the International Centre for Translational Eye Research (ICTER) are developing a technique called flicker optoretinography (f-ORG), which may be applied in diagnosing certain visual disorders. It is the optical equivalent of flicker electroretinography (f-ERG), a valuable tool that has been used for decades to study the physiological functions of the retina.

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  • Polish scientists create fluid that can replace blood

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Jagiellonian University researchers develop cat flu drug

Researchers at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków have developed a drug for cat flu - considered one of the common causes of death of cats in shelters and catteries.