
Photo from AGH UST press release

Camel milk dressings for hard-to-heal wounds. Researchers are working on novel solution

Scientists from Poland and Canada are working on an innovative hydrogel dressing for hard-to-heal wounds, containing camel and sheep milk.

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    Green light for research on Polish test for early detection of endometriosis

    A comparative study on the clinical usefulness of a Polish non-invasive test for the early diagnosis of endometriosis has been given a positive opinion by the Bioethics Committee of the Poznan University of Medical Sciences, the Medical Research Agency reports.

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    f-ORG technique to detect smallest changes in human photoreceptors

    Scientists from the International Centre for Translational Eye Research (ICTER) are developing a technique called flicker optoretinography (f-ORG), which may be applied in diagnosing certain visual disorders. It is the optical equivalent of flicker electroretinography (f-ERG), a valuable tool that has been used for decades to study the physiological functions of the retina.

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    Battlefield Medicine and Forensic Ballistics Laboratory set up at Wrocław Medical University

    A civilian training laboratory specialising in ‘battlefield medicine’ has been set up at Wrocław Medical University’s Department of Forensic Medicine.

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    Opole university to get PLN 1 million for research into ankle sprains

    The ankle sprain simulation and research laboratory at the Opole University of Technology will receive nearly PLN 1 million from the state for research, reports the university's spokesperson Anna Kułynycz.

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    Yoga should be based on scientific evidence, says yoga researcher

    Unlike Indian yoga, academic yoga is based on scientific evidence. It uses the experiences of traditional yoga schools, but with regard to methods and techniques that can be verified in research. It is based on knowledge, not trust in the master, says yoga researcher Professor Janusz Szopa.

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    I do not believe in 'stoned ape' theory, says brain research professor

    I do not believe in the 'stoned ape' theory, says Professor Michał Bola from the Jagiellonian University Centre for Brain Research told PAP. 'I do not see any possibility that consuming hallucinogens could translate into an evolutionary process', he adds.

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    Fans suffer more heart attacks during football championships, says expert

    Strong emotions and alcohol abuse cause more heart attacks among fans during football championships, warns Professor Artur Mamcarz, a cardiologist from the Medical University of Warsaw.

  • Professor Miłosz Parczewski. Source: Independent Provincial Public Integrated Hospital in Szczecin

    Chronic Lyme disease does not exist, says expert

    Only five percent of tick bites result in infection, late-diagnosed Lyme disease is curable, and scammers offering long-month experimental antibiotic therapies should be avoided, warns Professor Miłosz Parczewski, the National Consultant for Infectious Diseases.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Improved air quality saved at least 25,000 Polish lives, new study finds

    At least 25,000 Poles are alive thanks to improved air quality between 2018-2022, according to analysis conducted by the European Clean Air Centre.

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    Tardigrades are like Mandalorians, says expert

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  • No threat from ‘Jurassic Park scenario’ with NGT plants, says biotechnologist

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Credit: Adobe Stock

Tardigrades are like Mandalorians, says expert

Cryptobiosis, or latent life, is an extraordinary mechanism because of the resilience it gives to organisms that can enter it. Learning the limits of this resilience is important, for example, in the context of astrobiology and whether any forms of terrestrial life are able to survive beyond our planet, said Dr. Weronika Erdmann from Adam Mickiewicz University.