Participants and witnesses of traffic collisions, as well as those who have lost their loved ones in an accidents, have the chance to receive free psychotherapy from specialists from the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Warsaw. This is the third edition of the TRAKT program.
The program, as the University of Warsaw representatives inform in the release sent to PAP, brings together specialists with the greatest experience in Poland in dealing with posttraumatic stress disorder in the victims of traffic accidents.
According to research conducted in the world, about one quarter of people who participate in road accidents may experience various emotional difficulties. In some cases, these problems are not lasting and disappear over time. Sometimes, however, they can cause difficulties in everyday life for many months and even years after the accident. Such symptoms may include fear and avoiding situations such as driving, crossing the road; problems in relationships with loved ones; discomfort; recurring unwanted memories; dreams about an accident or a reduced ability to work.
These symptoms as a result of an accident are arranged in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). "In the light of numerous studies, treatment of PTSD brings relief to many people and gives them a chance to live free of unnecessary restrictions. To make this happen, early diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder is necessary" - reads the release.
Persons who have been in a traffic collision and wish to participate in research and treatment will undergo a medical and psychological examination. Those who will be diagnosed with PTSD will be offered three months of psychotherapy.
In the TRAKT program, the total cost of diagnostic tests and two specialized psychotherapy methods is covered by research funds. This means that the patient does not pay for psychotherapy or medical diagnosis before and after therapy.
Thanks to the program, over 1000 people from all over Poland have been given the opportunity to receive expert diagnosis, and if PTSD was diagnosed - a totally free, specialized treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder. The great majority of patients who have completed 3 months of therapy are free from life-hindering PTSD symptoms.
TRAKT is implemented by the Institute of Social Studies of the University of Warsaw as part of a broad research project PTSD: Diagnosis - Therapy - Prevention.
the TRAKT program, patients are offered ten sessions of one of two cognitive-behavioural therapies: prolonged exposure psychotherapy or cognitive psychotherapy. Trauma-oriented psychotherapy involves discussing the traumatic experience and working on the psychological consequences of an accident.
Therapies last for 12 weeks and involve weekly sessions lasting 90 minutes, conducted by a qualified psychotherapist. Once they are completed, patients are invited for an independent diagnosis to assess the efficacy of the treatment, which will allow to assess the patient\'s clinical condition. If necessary, modification and continuation of treatment is proposed.
Detailed information about the program is available at www.wypadki-drogowe.pl
PAP - Science and Scholarship in Poland
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