Matter & Energy

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Galvanization like printing - coatings for solar cells and more

A new method of coating materials with thin layers in a way that resembles printing has been developed at the Jagiellonian University. It requires a minimal amount of chemical materials and can accelerate the development of 3rd generation organic solar cells.

  • Image from the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology press release

    World of atoms and molecules: see the 'entire elephant' with different imaging methods

    The structure of the molecules that make up cells can be explored with various imaging techniques. Contrary to appearances, the maps of the same structures obtained with different techniques are slightly different from each other. To 'see the entire elephant' we need a combination of techniques, and a thorough knowledge about the mode in which they probe the matter, says Dr. Matthias Bochtler from the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw.

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    Physicist from Kraków’s Jagiellonian University wins EUR 2.5 million grant for quantum mechanics project

    Professor Karol Życzkowski from the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science at the Jagiellonian University acquired funding of over EUR 2.25 million for the implementation of a quantum mechanics research project. The research will be financed by the European Research Council under the ERC Advanced Grant 2023 competition.

  • Examples of textures of the new liquid crystal phase: a) disordered material between two glasses, b) a drop of material suspended on a glycerine substrate, c) domain texture of the newly discovered phase (image from a polarizing microscope). Source: WAT/UW

    Spontaneous helices and dipoles in order

    The discovery of a new way of ordering liquid crystals changes the understanding of organic matter. It can be used, among others, in fluid physics, liquid crystal materials, organic electronics, photonics and molecular biology.

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    Shaking nanotubes

    The properties of nanomaterials depend on how these structures vibrate, among other things. Scientists, including a Polish researcher, investigated the vibrations occurring in various types of carbon nanotubes.

  • Photo from Łukasiewicz Research Network press release

    Light absorber for bumpers and airplane seats

    Energy absorbers absorb the kinetic energy of accidents, collisions and falls to protect passengers and vehicles. Researchers from Warsaw have developed cheap absorbers made of innovative composite materials, which can be used, for example, to build airline seats and airplane floors, as well as crash boxes in cars.

  • Credit: Maciej Majdecki, luminescent_chemist

    Molecular tailors sew nano-snowflakes for more efficient solar cells

    When the molecules of a certain compound - tetracene - are arranged in the shape of a nano-snowflake, singlet fission occurs - a process that obtains as many as two electrons from one photon, Polish and Taiwanese scientists have shown. They hope that their research will help improve the efficiency of solar panels.

  • The market for collectible digital assets is beginning to show increasing similarities to established financial markets, such as those associated with the trading of works of art. Credit: IFJ PAN

    What does a physicist see when looking at the NFT market?

    The market for collectible digital assets, or non-fungible tokens, is an interesting example of a physical system with a large scale of complexity, non-trivial dynamics and an original logic of financial transactions. At the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN) in Cracow, its global statistical features have been analysed more extensively.

  • Researchers at the IPC PAS have found a way to control the catalytic process using light and unique ligand-coated nanoparticles. Photo courtesy of the solarium of the Jafra cosmetic salon in Warsaw. Image credit: Grzegorz Krzyzewski

    The process wants GO, the light-switch says NO

    Controlled inhibition or acceleration of catalytic transformations is highly desirable in many processes, including industrial applications. Therefore, many efforts are being made across the world to provide systems enabling rapid and efficient control over catalysis. In a new study, researchers from the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Poland have introduced an innovative concept for control over chemical reactions during catalytic processes.

  • Microfluidic technology combined with 3D printing is a powerful tool for precisely controlling porosity and composition in soft materials, i.e. hydrogels. Image credit: Grzegorz Krzyzewski

    Drop the drop

    Porous materials are essential for many chemical processes, such as light harvesting, adsorption, catalysis, energy transfer and even new technologies for electronic materials. Therefore, many efforts have been made to control the porosity of any different manufactured materials.

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    Tardigrades are like Mandalorians, says expert

  • Step by step: Teaching robots to walk

  • No threat from ‘Jurassic Park scenario’ with NGT plants, says biotechnologist

  • ‘Let’s be connoisseurs of social media, not consumers’, says expert

  • Polish-German action plan: Renewal of R&D cooperation


Credit: Adobe Stock

Tardigrades are like Mandalorians, says expert

Cryptobiosis, or latent life, is an extraordinary mechanism because of the resilience it gives to organisms that can enter it. Learning the limits of this resilience is important, for example, in the context of astrobiology and whether any forms of terrestrial life are able to survive beyond our planet, said Dr. Weronika Erdmann from Adam Mickiewicz University.