Genetic studies of oak Bartek

Scientists and foresters collected offshoots needed for genetic tests and cloning from the approximately 700 years old oak Bartek, growing near Zagnańsk (Świętokrzyskie). The project offers a chance of obtaining seedlings of the most famous tree in the region.

Study of the oak is part of a project carried out by the Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences in Kórnik near Poznan, commissioned by the General Directorate of State Forests.

"The project research into the propagation of the oldest oak trees in Poland, using in vitro cultures. This is a new technology that allows to preserve the genetic resources of these trees" - reported the spokeswoman for the Regional Directorate of State Forests in Radom, Edyta Nowicka. "Bartek" grows in Zagnańsk Forest District, which is subject to Radom Regional Directorate.

In early April, researchers collected ten 1.5m woody offshoots drom oak Bartek. The material had to be collected before the growing season. "This procedure will not adversely affect the health condition and growth of the oak" - said Nowicka. Dr. Paweł Chmielarz from the Institute of Dendrology, head of the project , explained that the collected shoots become material for herbaceous shoots in in vitro cultures. Then they will be rooted. According to the researcher, the process is not easy due to the reduced growth rate of material collected from old trees.

In the second stage of the study, researchers will use cryopreservation. They will collect axillary buds from the shoots, which will then be stored at low temperature, minus 196 degrees Celsius. "At this temperature, any biological activity stops, including biochemical processes, which allows for long storage of parts of plants" - added Chmielarz.

The age of oak Bartek is estimated at around 700 years. The tree practically does not bear acorns , two years there were a dozen or so. Scientists and foresters are hoping the project will allow to obtain seedlings and reproduce the tree. According to Chmielarz, we will have to wait about 2-3 years to find out whether the project is successful.

The project , which will run until 2017, collected material from a number of the oldest oak trees in Poland: Chrobry, Bolko, Bąków oaks, Bolesław and Warcisław, Rogalin oaks - Lech and Edward, and oak Dziadziuś.

Two-inch green shoots - not yet rooted - have already been obtained from the 700 years old Chrobry oak that grows in the Lower Silesian Forests.

According to tradition, oak Bartek is more than a thousand years old. The researchers, however, argue that it is neither the oldest nor the largest tree in Poland. According to recent studies, the age of the oak is estimated at 645-670 years. The actual determination of the age of Bartek is not possible because of the tree trunk decay.

"Bartek" is a natural monument since 1952. The 30 meter high tree has eight branches. Its trunk circumference near the ground exceeds 13 meters. According to legend, kings including Bolesław the Brave, Władyslaw Jagiłło and Stanisław August Poniatowski rested in the shade of the oak. Jan III Sobieski was believed to hide treasures in the tree.

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