Easier to confirm education for foreigners - including refugees

Photo: Fotolia
Photo: Fotolia

Foreigners will find it easier nostrify a diploma or continue their studies in Poland. Ministry of Science and Higher Education has announced that they published a regulation to that effect. The new law may also benefit refugees.

As previously announced, on Thursday the Ministry of Science and Higher Education published a new regulation on the recognition of higher education diplomas obtained abroad and on confirmation of higher education at a certain level.

Under the new regulation, persons who do not have an university diploma will be allowed to present other documents to universities to confirm their competence. University may, for example, accept a transcript as a document certifying competencies - according to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education release sent to PAP on Thursday.

The regulation is designed to meet the needs of people who have lost official documents confirming obtaining a degree or were unable to obtain this certification in connection with the political situation in their country of origin, and can not obtain such a document now.

"Institutions that offer education in the relevant field will have the right to issue such certificates. Universities will carry out the procedure based on all the documents submitted by interested parties. These documents may confirm the results of the different stages of education, obtained professional qualifications, completed internship or employment. In case of differences in study programs or lack of possibility to determine the level of education, universities may hold appropriate examinations" - announced the Ministry in the release.

In accordance with the Law on Higher Education currently in force, foreigners with refugee status or temporary protection in Poland are among the groups that may study in our country on the same conditions as the Poles.

The regulation will enter into force has 14 days after its publication. As explained in the explanatory memorandum, the regulation has been prepared in connection with the entry into force of the amendment to the Law on granting protection to foreigners within the territory of the Republic of Poland of July 2014.

PAP - Science and Scholarship in Poland

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